Intelligent Health Monitor by algorithmica technologies won the Innovation Prize (Sonderpreis für Innovation) at this year’s MainDays trade fair. IHM was singled out for offering next-level condition monitoring, with automated and intelligent monitoring and evaluation.
T.A. Cook gives out the prestigious Maintainer award every year as part of the MainDays conference. It is awarded by an independent jury of experts, representing industry leaders such as BASF, BAYERNOIL, Daimler and Evonik. The award highlights the best innovation of the year in industrial maintenance projects or solutions.
IHM draws on algorithmica technologies’ expertise in machine learning algorithms to model measurements based on the correlation with other sensors. It then compares the measured to the modeled value, and sends out an alarm if the two are significantly different.
The Maintainer 2016 awards will be handed out on March 16, 2016. Dr. Patrick Bangert, CEO of algorithmica technologies and creator of the solution, will be there to present IHM and accept the award.